
10 Tips On How To Control Aggressive Behaviour Of Children

Violence among children can manifest in various forms, from bullying and physical fights to verbal aggression and social isolation. While violent behavior can be a normal part of a child’s development, it’s important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the warning signs and take steps to address it.

Understanding the reasons behind a child’s violent behavior and providing them with the necessary support and resources can help prevent it from escalating. This article will provide an overview of the causes of violent behavior in children, as well as strategies on how to control aggressive behaviour of children.

Why Do Children Get Angry?

Children can become angry for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Frustration: Children may become angry when they are unable to accomplish something they want or when things do not go as planned.
  2. Inadequate communication: Children may become angry when they do not understand what is expected of them or when they are not able to express themselves effectively.
  3. Fear or anxiety: Children may become angry as a way to cope with feelings of fear or anxiety.
  4. Lack of control: Children may become angry when they feel that they have no control over their environment or when they are not given choices.
  5. Stress: Children may become angry when they are experiencing stress from school, family, or social situations.
  6. Unmet needs: Children may become angry when their basic needs, such as hunger, thirst, or fatigue, are not met.
  7. Developmental stage: Children may become angry as a normal part of their development, as they learn how to navigate the world around them and understand their own emotions.
  8. Trauma: Children may become angry when they have experienced a traumatic event, such as abuse or neglect.
  9. Chronic illness: Children may become angry when they are dealing with a chronic illness or disability.

It’s important to remember that anger is a normal emotion, and that children need to learn how to express it in healthy ways. Understanding the reasons behind a child’s anger can help parents and caregivers respond in an appropriate and supportive way on how to control aggressive behaviour of them.


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What Are The “Warning Signs” For Violent Behavior In Children?

There are several warning signs that may indicate a child is at risk for violent behavior, including:

  1. Aggressive behavior: A child who frequently engages in physical fights or verbal aggression towards others may be at risk for violent behavior.
  2. Lack of empathy: A child who appears to be indifferent to the feelings of others or who has a history of bullying may be at risk for violent behavior.
  3. Difficulty controlling emotions: A child who has trouble controlling anger, frustration, or aggression may be at risk for violent behavior.
  4. Impulsivity: A child who acts impulsively and without thinking about the consequences of their actions may be at risk for violent behavior.
  5. Substance abuse: A child who abuses drugs or alcohol may be at risk for violent behavior.
  6. Access to weapons: A child who has access to weapons or who expresses an interest in weapons may be at risk for violent behavior.
  7. History of abuse or trauma: A child who has been the victim of abuse or who has experienced traumatic events may be at risk for violent behavior.
  8. Obsession with violence: A child who is fascinated by violence or who has an obsession with violent media or video games may be at risk for violent behavior.
  9. Low self-esteem: A child who has low self-esteem and feels inadequate may be at risk for violent behavior.
  10. Isolation: A child who is socially isolated or who has few friends may be at risk for violent behavior.

It’s important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean that a child will engage in violent behavior, but they may indicate that a child is at risk and that further assessment is needed. If you have concerns about your child’s behavior, it’s recommended to consult with a pediatrician, mental health professional or counselor for further evaluation and support on how to control aggressive behaviour of children.


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How To Control Aggressive Behaviour Of Children?

There are several strategies that can be used to help control aggressive behavior in children, including:

  1. Teaching children positive ways to express their feelings and emotions, such as through words or art.
  2. Setting clear rules and consequences for aggressive behavior, and consistently enforcing them.
  3. Providing children with positive role models and encouraging them to emulate positive behavior.
  4. Teaching children problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills.
  5. Encouraging physical activity and play to help release pent-up energy and emotions.
  6. Providing children with emotional support and understanding, and helping them to identify and cope with the underlying causes of their aggressive behavior.
  7. Using traditional Indian practices like Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to help children control their emotions and aggression
  8. Encourage the child to participate in cultural and spiritual practices like attending religious gatherings, reading religious texts and learning traditional Indian music or dance
  9. Encourage the child to engage in community service activities and teach them the importance of empathy, compassion and selflessness
  10. Lastly, seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist if necessary.

It’s important to remember that every child is different and what works for one may not work for another. It’s also important to be patient and consistent when working with children to control aggressive behavior.

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In conclusion, violent behavior in children can be caused by a variety of factors, including frustration, lack of control, stress, and trauma. Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in addressing and preventing violent behavior by providing children with positive role models, setting clear rules and consequences, and teaching them positive ways to express their emotions.

With the right support and resources, children can learn to manage their emotions and behavior in a healthy way, and grow up to be well-adjusted adults. It’s crucial to keep in mind that every child is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another, so it’s important to be patient, understanding and consistent when addressing on how to control aggressive behaviour.

We hope that this article must have given you an idea on how to control aggressive behaviour of your children. Subscribe us for updates on more of such content. Download the Paavan App for more child related solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What are the causes of violent behavior in children?

Violent behavior in children can be caused by a variety of factors, including frustration, lack of communication, fear or anxiety, lack of control, stress, unmet needs, developmental stage, trauma, chronic illness, and substance abuse.


Question 2. Is violent behavior in children a normal part of development?

While violent behavior can be a normal part of a child’s development, it’s important for parents and caregivers to address it and prevent it from escalating. With the right support and resources, children can learn to manage their emotions and behavior in a healthy way. Our article will help you understand how to control aggressive behaviour of your child.

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